A 50YR OLD MALE with Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to ?CAD with ejection fraction 28 %

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 50 yr old male ,daily wage labourer by occupation came to the casualty with complaints of pedal edema since 2 months , decreased urine output since 15 days , abdominal distension since 15 days and SOB since 15 days
He was apparently alright 3 yrs ago and was then diagnosed to be diabetic and on OHA'S 
patient complaints of pedal edema since 2 months , aggravated to above knees and not subsiding since 15 days
a/w decreased urine output since 15 days aand break in the stream of urination
c/o abdominal distension since 15 days
c/o chest pain on and off since 15 days ,non radiating,not a/w sweating or giddiness
c/o sob since 15 days grade 3 progressed to grade 4 a/w orthopnea and PND
patient went to outside hospital was put on foleys -clear urine f/b hematuria in foleys 
past history :
k/c/o DM on OHA 'S (unkown)
not a k/c/o HTN ,CAD.
h/o deviation of mouth to left since childhood
personal history:
bowel movements-regular
micturition - normal
addictions- alcohol 1-2 times /week (90ml ) since 10 yrs
smoking: 1 pack/day (10/day) - beedi since 10 yrs
On General Examination:
no pallor ,icterus,cyanosis , clubbing, lymphadenopathy
edema of feet - B/L 
temp: 98F
pulse : 100/min
respiration: 22 /min
BP left arm : 110/70 mmhg
sp02: 98% 
GRBS: 177 mg/dl
JVP : elevated
s1,s2 heard
RS: BAE + ,B/L IAA ,ISA crepitations +
abdomen : 
shape - obese
soft,and non tender.
Investigations :



provisional diagnosis:
Dialated cardiomyopathy secondary to ?CAD 
ejection fraction 28 %
 1.propped up Posture 
 2.Fluid restriction to <1.5Lt / day
 3.Inj Lasix 40mg/IV/BD
 4.Inj Human actrapid /SC (based on the grbs levels)  
 5.Inj thiamine 2amp in 100ml NS/IV/BD
 6.Tab Ecospirin AV 75/20mg PO/OD
 7.Strict Grbs monitoring 6th hourly 
 8.O2 inhalation (if spO2<92%) 
 9.Daily weight monitoring
10.I/O monitoring

Soap notes:19/11/21

S-sob decreasedsed since last night,increased on straining for stools yesterday,
scrotal swelling+
orthopnea resolved.

O-conscious,coherent ,appears tachypneic
?keloid scar present
pes cavus of right foot
pedal edema+(b/l )
BP-130/80mmhg with inj dobutamine @3.6ml/hr.
CVS-JVP-raised upto angle of mandible
apex best seen and felt at left 6th ICS in annterior axillary line
parasternal heave in left side
S1,S2+,pansystolic murmur in pulmonary tricuspid areas

R.S-BAE+,end inspiratory coarse crepts in left LL area

P/A-distended,non tender

CNS-hmf intact 
ptosis of left eye and deviation of angle of mouth to left(since 4years of age)
GRbs 18/11-8am-88mg/dl,2pm- 146,8pm-174 mg/dl -4IU HAI given 
red coulered urine ?haematuria
cue sent report awaited.

A-Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to ?CAD
with EF-28%
severe TR with PAH
LMN facial palsy on left side since 4years of age.

P-1)propped up position
2)fluid restriction to <1lit /day
3)salt restriction <2g/day
4inj lasix 80mg in 50ml ns @5ml/hr
5)inj dobutamine250mcg in 50ml ns @3.6ml/hr
6)tab ecosprin av 75/20mg /po/od
7)grbs 6th hourly premeal
8) inj hai s/c tid
9)syp cremaffin plus 10ml/po/hs
10) avoid strenuous activity.

Soap notes:20/11/21

S-sob +decreased since 2 days,passing stool without straining.
scrotal swelling+
orthopnea resolved.
dry cough+

?keloid scar present
?pes cavus ?cauda equinus  with varus of right foot
pedal edema+(b/l )
BP-130/80mmhg with inj dobutamine @2.5ml/hr.
CVS-JVP-not raised compared to yesterday.
apex best seen and felt at left 6th ICS in annterior axillary line
parasternal heave in left side
S1,S2+,pansystolic murmur in pulmonary tricuspid areas

R.S-BAE+,end inspiratory coarse crepts in b/L LL

P/A-distended,non tender

CNS-hmf intact 
ptosis of left eye and deviation of angle of mouth to left(since 4years of age)
haematuria secondary to ? thrombocytopenia? traumatic foleys resolved.

A-Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to ?CAD
with EF-28%
severe TR with PAH
LMN facial palsy on left side since 4years of age.

P-1)propped up position
2)fluid restriction to <1lit /day
3)salt restriction <2g/day
4inj lasix titrated to dose of 10mg/hour.
5)inj dobutamine250mcg in 50ml ns @3.6ml/hr
6)tab ecosprin av 75/20mg /po/od
7)grbs 6th hourly premeal
8)syp cremaffin plus 10ml/po/hs
9) avoid strenuous activity.
10) tab hydralazine 12.5mg /po/bd

Soap notes:22/11/21

S-sob resolved.
scrotal swelling+ but decreased
orthopnea resolved.
dry cough- resolved

keloid scar present
pes cavus with varus(after consulting orthopaedics)
pedal edema+(b/l ) 
apex best seen and felt at left 6th ICS in annterior axillary line
parasternal heave in left side
S1,S2+,pansystolic murmur in pulmonary tricuspid areas

R.S-BAE+,end inspiratory coarse crepts in b/L LL (Lt>Rt)

P/A-distended,non tender

CNS-hmf intact 
ptosis of left eye and deviation of angle of mouth to left(since 4years of age)


A-Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to ?CAD
with EF-28%
severe TR with PAH
LMN facial palsy on left side since 4years of age.

P-1)propped up position
2)fluid restriction to <1lit /day
3)salt restriction <2g/day
4)inj lasix 40mg/iv/bd
5)tab ecosprin av 75/20mg /po/od
6)grbs 6th hourly premeal
7)syp cremaffin plus 10ml/po/hs
8) avoid strenuous activity.
9) tab hydralazine 12.5mg /po/bd

Soap notes:23/11/21
S-sob resolved.
scrotal swelling+ but decreased
orthopnea resolved.
dry cough- resolved

keloid scar present
pes cavus with varus(after consulting orthopaedics)
pedal edema+(b/l ) 
apex best seen and felt at left 6th ICS in annterior axillary line
parasternal heave in left side
S1,S2+,pansystolic murmur in pulmonary tricuspid areas

R.S-BAE+,end inspiratory coarse crepts in b/L LL (Lt>Rt)

P/A-distended,non tender

CNS-hmf intact 
ptosis of left eye and deviation of angle of mouth to left(since 4years of age)


A-Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to ?CAD
with EF-28%
severe TR with PAH
LMN facial palsy on left side since 4years of age.

P-1)propped up position
2)fluid restriction to <1lit /day
3)salt restriction <2g/day
4)inj lasix 40mg/iv/bd
5)tab ecosprin av 75/20mg /po/od
6)grbs 6th hourly premeal
7)syp cremaffin plus 10ml/po/hs
8) avoid strenuous activity.
9) tab hydralazine 12.5mg /po/bd
10) Syrup benadryl 10ml/po/bd


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